Saturday, December 8, 2012

Writing Articles - Attracting More Traffic to Your Site

If you're trying to find a way to bring targeted traffic to your website and increase your sales, then writing articles is the way to go. This method can, not only boost your site in the search engines and increase the amount of visitors to your site, but can also double, and even triple your income.

A major benefit of writing articles is that it can generate traffic and increase visibility. Writing articles related to your website and submitting them to article submission sites does two major things to your website:

Your article on the article submission site contains a link in the author's resource box, leading them back to your own website. After readers have read your articles, they're attention should be directed to your author's resource box. This is called a back-link. As more and more of your published articles increase, becoming visible on a variety of websites, the total number of links to your site also increases. The more incoming links a website has; the more significance major search engines place on that site. In the search engines' eyes, incoming links to websites helps to decide the weight and authority of a certain site. By writing articles, you increase the number of links to your site, thereby increasing the position of your website in the search results.

Writing articles is a great way to attract more potential customers. However, when writing articles, you should never promote your own products or services. Instead, they should communicate your industry expertise. You need to educate your potential customers about how to solve problems they may be facing and important industry issues they must know.

After they have read your articles, you are now seen as an expert in your field. Now people are more likely to trust you because you have positioned yourself as the authority in your particular nichè. For this reason, they are more willing to buy than just simply browse through your site.

Here's something else to think about, every time you publish new content with your primary keywords included, your website becomes more popular. Search engines like to reward websites with a higher ranking when they consistently add new content. So when a person is searching for one of your topics, their search results may, not only have your site on page one, but may even show your articles on the same page. This is a great way to get seen on the internet.

Getting your site found on the internet is less complicated if you are writing articles to educate, increase your links and bring more traffic to your site, making your business easily reached for visitors searching the internet.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   

Content Marketing - Publishing Formats That Spell Sales and Marketing Success

Choosing the most appropriate content publishing format is critical to success in Content Marketing. Use the following criteria to guide you in deciding which format(s) will work best for your company and your target audience:

Know your target audience's publishing format preferences Determine your specific marketing and business goals Gauge your capability (budget, resources, expertise) as a publisher-marketer Learn from what other companies are doing

This article addresses the fourth point, by describing six popular publishing formats companies are using to achieve sales and marketing success. One or more of these might be just the ticket for your business.

Business blogs: a business blog is both a social media tool and a content repository. It can serve as a company's online content hub, with posts covering a multitude of topics including company news, executive and employee insights, detailed answers to customer questions, how-to information, industry updates, and much more. Note that by optimizing blog posts with keyword-rich content, major search engines will index more of your company's website pages, which in turn can improve search result rankings and generate more inbound traffic and leads.

eNewsletters: an eNewsletter is the perfect publishing format for an email marketing program, delivering timely news and relevant content to a target audience of brand subscribers, prospective buyers, and existing customers on a regular recurring basis. A quality eNewsletter may also serve as a "premium" content asset with which to attract opt-in subscribers and also nurture more of your prospects to becoming paying customers.

White Papers: usually 8-12 pages long, a white paper is the perfect format to address a technical issue or a subject requiring intensive explanation. White papers are excellent learning and reference material for prospects in the consideration stage of their decision-making process. Asking recipients to complete a lead capture form before granting them access to your white paper is okay, because business buyers will typically appreciate its objectivity and educational value.

Ebooks: usually longer and less technical than white papers, an eBook is perfect for introducing an unfamiliar subject or presenting complex information within a more informal, visually appealing format. An eBook may include a call-to-action or link on each page, and at the end recommend "next steps" to readers.

InfoGraphics: infographics are popular because they appeal to people who are predominantly visual learners (of which there are many!). Visual learners love to see information such as data, concepts, lists, and processes presented graphically.

Online Video: inexpensive yet high-quality hardware, editing software, and online repository/sharing sites like YouTube have transformed a once daunting challenge into something very doable: creating, publishing, and sharing video content. Video can also be embedded to enhance and enliven heretofore static text/graphical content with an infusion of rich media.

Five Big Advantages of Online Video:

Video is a great alternative (to reading pages of text) for the prospective buyer who needs to quickly review and understand the benefits of a complex product or solution. Video effectively and convincingly demonstrates a product in action, by showing and telling prospects everything they need to know. Video is a dynamic way to portray a company's image or personality, with style and sophistication. Embedding video within a landing page (a web page designed to capture contact information and allow users to download content) has been proven an effective way to boost the conversion rate of that page. Attaching a video to an online news/press release, then posting it on a PR site like, may attract the attention of industry bloggers trolling the Web for content, who may in turn share your video with their community

(Source: Tom Pick, PR consultant and blogger,

Content Marketing can position a company as a thought-leader, an authority, and ultimately as a trusted vendor. In the words of Anne Hadley (co-author of Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars That Engage Customers and Ignite Your business),

"...educating prospects about the products you sell and underscoring your own expertise actually increases your credibility and fosters trust (along with traffic). You show that you know what you're talking about, and those who dig your stuff will become more educated and ready leads for sales."

For more on this interesting topic, be sure to read two additional articles I've written:

Content Marketing - What It Is and Why Companies Should Be Doing It


Content Marketing Tips and Best Practices

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   

How To Get Website Traffic Even If You Are Clueless

Getting website traffic is something that a lot of people struggle with even though it's one of the easiest things to do on the internet. If you know nothing about internet marketing, then I'm willing to bet that you can get hundreds of visitors to your website in only 48 hours by using pay per click advertising.

Pay per click advertising (PPC) is the fastest way to get a lot of people to your website who are looking to buy something. Now like I said, you don't have to be a genius to make this happen... a little advertising will do the trick. And the more you advertise, the more traffic you will get.

Now you should know that as soon as your advertising funds run out, so does your traffic. So it's very important that you make money from your advertising efforts, otherwise, you'll wind up going out of business very quickly. But there are free marketing methods that you can use also.

One of my favorite free marketing methods is search engine optimization (SEO). This is a strategy that is at the backbone of the internet marketing world. You should know that you don't have to be incredibly competent if you want to make SEO work for you. A lot of people struggle with SEO, but it doesn't have to be so bad.

Some of the main things that you will want to focus on when it comes to SEO is link building, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, and optimizing each page of your website around a low competition keyword that you can rank high for. Search engine marketing can be a tough cookie if you're just starting out, but if you've been in the internet marketing world for a long time, you know it's something that you absolutely must do if you want to have success online.

Now don't rely on search engine traffic solely. One day you may be on page 1 of the search results and then the next day you may wind up on page 3. It all depends on how the algorithms change, and whether or not your site has quality information that visitors can use to improve their lives.

Another traffic strategy that I've very familiar with is video marketing. And in particular, Youtube. This is a great site, it gets millions of visitors each day, and you can promote yourself and your website on there very easily. Simply come up with 5-10 minute long videos, and include your website URL at the bottom of the video.

You will want to select the best keywords for your video also so that only relevant people can come and view the thing that they were looking for. YouTube is more than a site to list music videos, funny commentary, and commercials... you can also promote your site on there and increase your website traffic simply and easily.

These 2 marketing techniques are things that you will want to do if you want to have the success with your online business that you are looking for. These techniques still work very well today, and I think it's something that you can benefit from. So keep them in mind.

Good luck with getting more traffic to your website today.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   

How to Get Traffic to Your Website And Convert It To Sales

Traffic is the lifeblood of websites. If you're like most people, you concentrate on the headline figures of how many page views you've had and how many unique visitors have looked at your website. But that's not the only thing you should be thinking of. Quality of traffic is much more important than quantity. Sure, you'd like both, but quality far and away outshines quality. So how can you get more traffic to your website and make sure it converts to sales?

Make sure your site is easy to navigate

How many times have you clicked onto a site with high hopes only to be met with a site that doesn't live up to your expectations? Big images take ages to download. Flashing or slide-show type images are usually a distraction. Check everything over with fresh eyes - or breathe down the neck of someone who's using your site for the first time.

Check for things that are the darlings of website designers but don't necessarily translate into a good user experience. Menus are one of the prime culprits here - if your mouse has to be in precisely the right place for menus and sub-menus to work, chances are that your users will give up and find an easier site. But check other usability issues as well - little things make big differences on conversion.

Check your page titles

These are the call to action that users click (or don't click) before they even reach your site. If your page titles are dull and boring, potential customers and traffic won't even get to your site.

As with the site itself, run a check. Just use in Google to see how your page titles look. If they're boring to you or don't instantly tell you what each page is about, fix them. It will take a while for the new titles to show up in Google but it's worth the wait. Encouraging people to click through to your site with better titles will make a measurable difference to your website traffic.

Get more (relevant) links

Links are one of the determining factors in how well your website ranks in the search engines. Put simply, the higher you rank the more traffic you'll get to your website. So this is a big determining factor in getting more traffic to your website.

Make sure that your links are friendly - don't go spamming other people's sites with spammy comments in the hope of getting a backlink or two. If you do post comments (and this technique can work when done properly) then make sure they are a useful contribution to the page topic.

You can also get relevant links by writing useful articles like this one. Send them to the main article directories or even offer to write a guest post on someone else's site. The latter option takes more effort than writing for an article directory but if you choose a site that complements yours then it can be a goldmine.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   5 Ways of Generating Traffic   

Increase Traffic Flow to Your Website With PPC

If you are looking to bring more business through to your website and already have an SEO (search engine optimisation) campaign in place, there is still one more way you can enhance business and that is with a PPC (pay per click) campaign.

Pay per click is the advertisements you see on the right hand side of the search results on the search engine, the organic listings take up the majority of the page but on the right there is a small section of paid results. When you have pay per click in place you do not have to pay for your advertisement being shown on the search engines, you are paying for the clicks through to your website because of this your advertisement can be shown an unlimited amount of times.

If you choose to put PPC into place the best way to do so is with the use of PPC management, this means you can be assured that your campaign will be run correctly in the hand of a professional who has had many years experience running such campaigns.

You can use PPC when it suits you, it doesn't need to be an ongoing campaign like SEO, some companies choose to use it when their work is seasonal so that they can enhance their business when required. You can also use PPC as a way to promote a special offer or new product brining more people to your website.

A PPC manager will be able to assist you in choosing which of your keywords to target along with the amount you should spend on your keywords. The amount you spend on your keywords is what you will pay when that keyword is used in an advertisement which is clicked on. The more common a keyword is the more expensive it will be, however it is much more likely for your advertisement using that keyword to be displayed. A PPC management team will be able to run your PPC campaign for you allowing you to focus on other areas of your business.

The internet is the second biggest form of advertising coming in behind television advertising. Internet marketing is very beneficial due to the fact that you can target your advertisement at your market, there is no need to write an advertisement which is really broadly aimed like in TV, with PPC you can write an advertisement purely for people who are interested in what you offer.

There are many companies who will choose to implement PPC at the same time as an SEO campaign this is so that they can see an immediate increase in traffic and business along with working at increasing their organic ranking. The two campaigns can work hand in hand due to the fact that they are not linked together, your search engine ranking has no effect on where your PPC advertisement ins displayed, if you are ranking on page 15 your PPC advertisement can still be displayed on the first page of results.

The PPC Experts can guarantee you a high class service when running your PPC campaign, their management services will help you run a very successful campaign which will allow you to see an increase in traffic to your website which will hopefully turn into an increase in business coming through your website. Once you have a PPC campaign in place you will see a high return on investment due to the fact you are not paying for your advertisement until it is clicked on meaning you are only paying for traffic which is directed through to your website.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   

5 FREE and Extremely EASY Ways to Steer Traffic to Your Website

At a recent workshop, a participant shared that she didn't understand the big 'hype' about having a website. Though she had one; she hadn't attained any customers from it. I explained that having a website is a good first step, but not enough to gain clients. If you are not engaging your visitors, chances are they will never return. Do you have a website but not sure how to guide traffic to it? Here are 5 ways to steer traffic to your website:

Register with Major Search Engines

An important step to steer traffic to your website is to make sure is it is listed on all the major search engines such as Bing, Google and Yahoo. This is one of the most efficient ways of directing free, targeted traffic to your website. It's easy and takes just a few minutes of your time.

Respond to Questions and Comments

People leave comments for a reason; they are interested in your response. By responding, you're letting them know that you're actively involved in reading the comments and encouraging them to visit again. In addition, this is an effective way to become known in your industry as an expert.

Develop Article Marketing Strategy

logging is an easy way to drive traffic to your website and establish yourself as an expert in your industry. If executed effectively, this can be a smart online marketing strategy and an affordable way to grow your business. Blogging is 'big business' among entrepreneurs, writers and those who just want to express themselves through electronic communication. More and more businesses are blogging as they realize the benefits. There are several online sites where you can submit your articles for publication and back link to your website:

EzineArticles Associated content Articles base In addition, posting your articles on various social media sites is a great marketing strategy to generate traffic back to your website. Post your article using the following FREE social networks: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

Use Social Bookmarking Services

Social bookmarking sites allow you to search, organize, share and store the bookmarks of different web pages. You are also able to promote articles and stay ahead of your competitors. Here are 3 popular social book marketing services:

Digg - The ultimate social media site; it's become notorious for producing traffic waves so massive that they can have a DOS-style impact on smaller hosts. Stumble Upon - Helps members discover and share great websites. As you click Stumble, the site delivers high-quality pages matched to your personal preferences. These pages have been explicitly recommended by your friends or one of 8 million+ other web surfers with interests similar to you. - A social bookmarking website; users can mark their favorites with it and share them with each other; making it onto the front page of the "recently popular" section that will send a decent amount of traffic so long as the category you're tagged into is popular.

Create Videos

Video marketing is all the RAVE! Whether creating how to, testimonial, product review or interview videos for your website, it increases brand awareness and creates viewer action leading to more inquiries and sales. In fact, according to Online Video Marketing Statistics, adding video to small business profiles:

Increases number of business profile views more than 100% Increases number of profile clicks more than 30% Increases number of calls generated by more than 18%

In conclusion, by using these FREE methods to create visibility to your website, you will be able to generate more traffic over time, thus, have a steady flow of potential leads.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   

3 Super Effective Internet Marketing Funnel Tactics That Make Money

If you're an internet marketer, I know how you feel - You're feeling super busy every day. In fact, your daily work involves so many tedious and mundane tasks that keep adding to your to-do lists (and you cannot make them go away!)

Worse, because of the technical aspect of your work, nobody (other than fellow internet marketers) understands exactly what you do every day. Your family wonders why spend so many hours in front of your computer and your spouse and family want your attention...

I know exactly how you feel. And, you do not have to feel this way.

The good news is there are always ways to increase productivity. One way to do this effectively is by building an effective upsell chain (a funnel) for your internet marketing business.

How to Build A Funnel That Makes You Money

Let's take a look at your email campaign. Do you have a squeeze page? If not, build one because you will need it. Just give away a free sample of your work.

Of all the people who come into your funnel for the free sample, how many end up buying your front-end product? Let's say you have 3 people buy your front-end product for every 100 email subscribers, now you have conversion rate of 3%. Obviously, the bigger the subscribers the more accurate average conversion rate will be, but let's stick with 100 subscribers for easy math.

Keep building traffic to that squeeze page till you get more subscribers. Let's say after 2-3 months, you build subscriber base of 500. Theoretically, if your conversion rate is still working at 3%, you're going to have 15 sales by now.

If you have 15 sales, some of these customers will want more advanced training with you and you'll need to have them ready to sell. If you don't, the problem is that they will go to someone else to buy the training.

So here, you'll need to have a training that you can sell for 3 times the price of your front-end sale. If your front-end product sold for $27, price this at least $97. You can add cheat sheets, blueprint, PDF, audio reports, video, webinar recordings, interviews... just add greater value to the $27 front-end product and make it worth $97.

You will also need monthly continuity. If you are a consultant, you can package your practice and record it to sell with membership site or simply package consulting service and give it live on the phone or in person.

By building a funnel as shown above, you will not just have one, but three opportunities to monetize everyone who comes through your funnel.

Compare this to someone with no upsell. All that person could do is to drive traffic and break even. The truth is that customer acquisition cost is rising every day and people are spending less money.

Three Simple Upsell Tactics That Make You Rich

1. Sell inexpensive front-end product, maybe 20 page report

2. Package 5-10 more similar reports and sell all of them for huge discount price

3. You should have some sales by now, and here you'll incorporate monthly continuity, like coaching

There you have it. An easy and effective upsell chain. I promise if you build it, the money will come.

By the way, do you want to learn how to build an effective internet marketing funnel? Go to this link, you will see exactly how I do it.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How To Get Extra Traffic To Make Extra Money!   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   

Increase Traffic and Affiliate Sales Using These Strategies

One of the questions I am asked often is how do I increase traffic and affiliate sales? Many people I have talked to already have a web site up and have written a few articles on their topic. After several months they become frustrated because they have done only one or two sales. At this point in time they are trying to decide if they should change their products or forget about internet marketing all together.

Does this sound like you? The first thing you want to do is take a look at your plans and strategies. One of your first plans of action should be to build a Powerful e-mail list.

I believe it is a good practice to invest in your business and that is certainly true with affiliate sales. How many prospects do have on your e-mail list? The answer to that should be in the thousands. Let's take a look at some strategies to increase traffic and affiliate sales.

Ways to Improve Traffic and Online Sales

Using PPC or pay-per-click ad systems are the fastest way to improve traffic. It works and that is the main benefit, the downfall is it costs money and can get expensive.

Other steps to take that would cost money is to get 2 or 3 guest posts per week. This is a wonderful way to get consistent visitors to your site as well as improve your search engine rankings. Find some high traffic sites and see if you can advertise there.

The good news for affiliates and internet marketers is there are other methods to increase traffic. However it comes with a price and that is determination, smarts and a lot of hard work. So if you're up to the task here we go.

Write at least 7 comments every day on different high-ranking blogs (210 monthly). Give 4 forum posts on 4 different forums every day (16 forum post daily, 480 monthly). Create one video every three days and upload it to YouTube and one other video site (10 monthly). Write one article every day consistently (30 monthly). After these articles get indexed on your site submit them to article directories such as Post to Social Media Websites. Google will look more favorable upon your site if you have a social media following.

It's very important to obtain as many quality backlinks as possible. Start with article directories. The next step is to concentrate on social media. Consider submitting content to Facebook, Twitter and Google+. It will take some time, but the traffic will keep coming once you establish yourself or brand on the big three.

True internet marketers stick to these fundamentals. There is no push button method or easy way to make money quickly. It all comes down to making money the old fashion way... you have to Earn It!

Google updates rankings every four to six weeks on average. Soon, you will soon see results.The main concept here is to be consistent and do the above steps every single day for an extended period of time. You will see your search engine rankings improve along with your traffic and affiliate sales.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   

Free Natural Search Traffic Is The Best And The Most Reliable

Free natural search traffic is the best quality outreach and the most reliable for growing your business. But it can also be one of the most difficult to pull off. In order to do it well, you have to have a deep understanding of who your customers are and what issues are important to them. The key to building quality backlinks and getting the kind of organic traffic that grows a business at an exponential rate is to develop content that speaks to the target audience. From there, you have to go to where your customers are and bring them to your website. The more that you target your customers, the more likely search engine results will take care of themselves.

Developing great content

If you run a website, then hopefully, it is a site that covers a topic or industry you are passionate and knowledgeable about. While you can always hire writers and content producers, who are passionate and knowledgeable about an area, this can be difficult if you are an upstart as quality doesn't come cheap. So make sure that you have a love for your site and your business before you go about reaching out to your target audience. Only by exploring your own knowledge and commitment can you come up with topics that resonate with the web surfing public. Once you've got a lot of quality content developed (or in development), you can start getting the word out to the people, who are most likely to become evangelists for your business.

Go to where the customers are

If you are not using social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, then you are leaving hundreds of millions of potential customers on the table. The great thing about social networking tools is that it is really easy to find a target audience. Just go to related persons or organizations in your industry, and start developing connections with the people, who are following them. From there, you have established a definite target audience, and if your content is put together well enough, it will be much easier to get the right types of people to your site.

Creating site or business evangelists

While there may be a temptation to blast your message to as many people as you can, you have to realize that something is lost in these types of mass contact. Rather than trying to cast a wide net, it is better to take things slow and develop real relationships with people that go beyond a desperate plea for them to visit your site. By finding common ground and starting the conversation with people, the relationship will feel more organic, and they will be much more likely to tell others about your site or business.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   

Choose A Good Mentor To Help Make Your Turnkey Internet Business Successful

Are you looking for a way to make money online? Are you looking for one that is already set and ready for you to work with? If so, then you are looking for a turnkey Internet business. With the variety of opportunities to be found online these days, it is a sure bet that you can find one today. That's right, with the wide array of business opportunities being offered over the net these days, there is little chance that you could go looking for something that you could easily get started with and not find something that would interest you.

The fact that you are reading this article tells me that you are already looking, and that means that you are in the market for a great turnkey Internet business. Am I right or wrong? The chances of me being wrong about that are very low, but when you consider that the numbers of people looking for a way to make a living from home are astronomical one has to believe that anyone taking the time to peruse the Internet for a method of creating an income from home is at least a tad bit interested. Are you interested?

If you are interested in setting up your own turnkey Internet business, just pick one. The first thing you will want to do is make sure that it is legitimate. You can do this by browsing online to find out as much as you possibly can about the opportunity and the business attached to it. Look for any reviews of the products and check to see if there are any complaints against it. Remember that just because there are a few complaints against a company does not necessarily mean that it is not legit. Just about every business these days has stepped on someone's toes so do due diligence to ferret out the truth about the complaint.

Choose a turnkey Internet business that you can be passionate about. If you cannot believe in what you are doing you will not be able to convince others to as well. For instance, if you are into health products make sure that the products you choose to align yourself with are truly good enough for you to use and ask your family to as well. Once you have established which business opportunity you want to go with, it is time to choose a mentor to help you learn the ins and outs of marketing it. A good mentor will help you be successful with your venture.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   

Get More Visitors to Your Website With These Tips

For your online business to survive and bring in desirable outcome, you must get more visitors to your website. Web visitors who may be interested in what you have to offer may not ever find you if you do not device a means of attracting them, this is the reason for all the fuss about website or blog traffic. Luckily, advertising online is so cheap that everyone can carry out marketing campaign online regardless of their business size. In fact, a good number of online traffic generation strategies are free and effective as well.

Increasing Website Traffic

Striving to make it to Google's first search result pages, as well as other search engines' is an ongoing struggle among online marketers. The reason is simple; most web users do not usually go beyond the first result page of search engines. Consequently, if your site is not listed on those initial pages of search engine results, the possibility of potential clients or customers seeing you and your offerings is slight. Google has no favoritism in displaying websites on its first search result page, if your website deserves to be on those pages, Google and other search engines will surely display it. Now, here's the question; what strategy do you employ in order to make it to search engines' top 10? Let's examine the following effective techniques;

• Quality Content - Article Marketing

If there is any traffic generation strategy an online business owner needs to implement now and always, it is article marketing. Article marketing has proven to be more superior and effective than most website traffic ideas or strategies. More importantly, this traffic generation technique has come to stay, and will continue to reward those who faithfully use it.

You may ask, how exactly does article marketing increase traffic to a website? It starts by building superior credibility - in essence, quality content is a powerful credibility builder. First, ensure that the article is relevant to your niche, and that it reflects the felt need of your target niche. For instance, if you are offering weight loss products and services, you need to provide your target audience (those desperately in need to lose weight) with quality content that addresses their weight loss need, and at the same time proffers solution to the need. So, as you keep on producing quality and fresh articles constantly, you are gradually becoming an authority in your niche, and heavy traffic will start pouring in. You should also ensure that your quality content is distributed to several online spots, especially article directories such as EzineArticles.

• Website Submission to Search Engines

Submitting your web pages to search engines is another great way to increase traffic to your website. You should target the most-used search engines - Google, Yahoo and Bing. You should also submit to the less popular search engines as well, since it can also bring traffic to your site.

• Social Media

Social media is the latest addition to website traffic generation strategy list, yet very powerful and as competitive as other strategies. With millions of people active on Facebook, it is a great platform to attract those interested in your business offerings. However, there are rules to advertising on Facebook and other social media platforms, and you need to follow those rules in order to achieve result.

This list is not exhaustive of the tips for generating more traffic to your site... watch out for more tips.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   

5 Sure Fire Tips In Getting More Traffic To Your Site

No matter how beautiful the website is, it would be useless if it is not visible to its targeted market. The life of a website or a blogsite depends on how many visit it receives on a daily basis. A very common mistake by those who had ventured to online business is not knowing the fact that website will not generate money for them, its the traffic that determines the sale conversion. If you are planning to put up a blog or site, you can follow these simple but effective way to get a good number of visitors:

Your Comment Counts

Add sensible and interesting comments on blogs that are of high page rank. Placing comments would allow you to put you name and your site link. Providing an interesting and intelligent comment would consent other readers to check your details by clicking your link.

Socialize And Be Noticed

Participate on a forum site which is of same niche as your blog or site is. For example, your blog is about making money online, then look for a forum that caters this kind of topic. Add your link on your signature and contribute useful and interesting and post. This will put an impression to other members that you are expert on the said topic, hence you are more likely to get visitors from the forum site.

Be A Star On Other Blogs

There are some blogs that receives thousands of visitors per day that accepts contributions from other writer. Impress readers with a great style of writing to get numbers of followers for your own site or blog. This is one of the more known way to promote one's link which is proven to be very effective.

Write Articles On Popular Sites

Submit useful and interesting content on article directories like Ezine and Go Articles. In return, if your article is accepted they would provide you a section where you can place your name and blog or site address. This will provide high exposure of your link to numbers of readers online.

Be Awesome And Impress Visitors

This is one of the most important thing you need to focus in order to get followers on the net-your website or blog content. All the above mentioned methods will be useless if readers who visit your page will not find your site useful, informative or entertaining. It is important that you have great contents to encourage visitors to return to your site. In the long run, your blog or site will create a massive number of followers.

Traffic is one of the main factors that determines how effective your site is. Follow these simple tips and you should be able to see a visible increase on your site's traffic.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   

New Way to Increase Traffic and Promote Your Amazon Product

Ahhh... Getting frustrated you have no sales on Amazon? Product exposure is key when you are an Amazon seller, no question about it. I mean, everyone knows about it, but also everyone knows only of a very few ways to do so. When asked to say FREE ways to promote an amazon product, even fewer options come to mind.

There are two common channels to promote your internet product, be it on Amazon, eBay, or elsewhere: text or video. Posting a video and leaving it on YouTube may help, but only to the limited extend. Usually videos are imbedded into a text describing your product, its features and benefits.

Text ads (and yes, when you post something even on a blog, but it has a link to your product - it is called advertizing a product) - can take various forms and appear differently for the internet user. Most common types are social media (such as Facebook and twitter), and personal/product blogs.

Regular social media - eg posting a link in your Facebook status, or twitting about it - limits the promotion of you amazing product to your friends only, and thus decreases the effectiveness dramatically. Some other sources have targeted audiences, and here is what I am talking about.

Niche blogging - is by far the best known way to promote amazon products, yet some challenges also await. You can either set up a blog as a subdomain (eg, or buy your own domain. Setting up a blog as a subdomain reduces a chance of having high PR (page rank), which means your promoted product will be appearing far less frequent in search engine rankings. Having your own blog costs money.

Despite these problems, it is a statement of a fact that building traffic to you amazon product is key to be a successful seller, and to do that you need to leverage all channels that are open for you.

What we have not discussed yet - are paid ads, such as Google AdWords, but yet again - it costs money to run, and no result is guaranteed. You need to have a really high conversion rate to make up for the cost. And think about it: how many times you clicked on a banner, looked at the content, said "ah, I see what it is" and simply closed it? But traffic conversion is a whole different story. You need to have some traffic in the first place! And you want to have it free of charge.

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   

Fishing for Website Traffic - Your Secret Weapon

Hey everyone! Struggling to get traffic to your blog/site? SEO not working for you? Backlinking not bringing you any visitors? Forum posting unsuccessful? Well, "oil rig hopping" (a term from Alex Jeffreys) may be for you, and may also be the best method for bringing in HIGHLY targeted traffic AND building relationships with your fellow internet marketers (or other people in your niche), which is really important to your success online.

As Alex Jeffreys describes it, this is the metaphor. Around the world, oil rigs (real oil rigs, not blogs) have arguably the best fishing out of anywhere else you can go. Some of the biggest fish in the world love feeding and staying near these oil rigs. In the internet marketing world, this still holds true. The "oil rig" is a blog. The big fish are readers from the other blog that this other blog readily attracts. This technique essentially allows you to boat over to this oil rig and "catch" these big fish that the oil rig has been attracting (for you).

To start, this other blog, in your niche, has to have a lot of activity surrounding it. You don't want to fish somewhere where there are no fish, right?

Well, how do I know if there are fish?

All you have to do is be observant. You could go over to, look up the site, and look at its traffic information. You could also look to see if other people are consistently commenting on the blogger's posts. Finally, make sure that this blogger consistently posts new content. If you notice these three things in another blog in your niche, you have struck gold. That site will be a perfect "oil rig" for you to fish at.

Now, go to the three most recent posts, and read them all ENTIRELY. Make sure you read all of it, as this will help you later.

After you have read them, you have to comment on them. This is the step at which MANY marketers fail miserably at. You have to make sure your comments are relevant and intelligent.

Irrelevant comments are comments that do not really connect back to what the blogger said in his/her post. I see many, many comments that just say something like, "Great post, my site is here...". This will simply not work! You have to respond to at least one thing that the blogger said. I personally try to respond to every single major point that the blogger made in his/her post. This makes my comments very relevant. And, this also goes along with the metaphor. Relevant comments are like using the right bait that is relevant to the fish you are trying to catch. Using the right bait = better fishing.

Although you can get by making relevant comments that are not very deep and insightful, the more intelligent your comments are, the more traffic you will drive. Intelligent comments are comments that not only respond to the original author's points, but also add your own thoughts as well. You should not just say, "Good point here, I agree with you." You need to add at least one more sentence per point adding your own thoughts and comments.

Also, peacefully disagreeing with the blogger works too! (As long as you are NOT aggressive). You can say something like, "Good point; I see where you are coming from. However, I think this...". This will create a dialogue between you and the blogger which will not only help you create a friendship with this blogger, but will also show blog readers (remember, these are the fish you are trying to catch!) that you are passionate about your niche and you actually know what you are talking about.

Disagreeing with an authority blogger is a perfect sign that someone is also a potential authority (as long as the disagreement is intelligent).

Finally, before posting your comments, make sure to add your full name to the name field, your email, and your website to the website field.

DO NOT PUT A LINK TO YOUR WEBSITE IN THE COMMENT SECTION! This is a surefire way to be thought of as a marketer, and not an authority. By the way, that is the goal of bloggers: to be thought of as an authority, not a marketer (if you are a marketer; many bloggers are not marketers).

If you follow these steps, the fish at your target oil rig will literally jump out of the water and into your boat (which is your blog). This is probably the best way I know of to network and to build traffic. However, it takes a lot of work. But, it is great to go to other successful blogs, see what they are doing, network with them, learn about what they are blogging about, and build traffic all at the same time.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, and stick around for my next post!

How to Structure An Article That Drives Targeted Traffic to Your Website   Website Traffic Tips From An Internet Marketing Veteran   Are You Sure That Your Articles Are Being Read?   How to Build Effective Sales Funnels   You Need Real People to Get Real Traffic   Expediting the Lead Generation Process for Online Businesses   

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